Saturday, March 27, 2010

And if you build a model home, just burn it to the ground.

My theory of the days of the week: Monday through Friday is actual so-called "week". Saturday and Sunday are a separate entity known as "The Weekend". Therefor it is only right to reflect back on the week, on the weekend. (Because that obviously need clarification/justification).

1.) Vanity Fair + Howard Schatz = Pure Brilliance.
2.) Major steps in international relations: US and Russia agree to a nuclear non-proliferation treaty. Once again common sense prevails in the White House.
3.) The last minute of Community is some of the funniest shit on television right now.
4.) March madness concert-palooza is officially done as of last night. Said the Whale and In-Flight Safety brought quality music last night, ending my month in a most wonderful way. (And to be completely fan girl - I SAW GRAHAM WRIGHT. HE WALKED BY ME. OH SWEET JEEBUS.) But i'll write more all about it later.
5.) I've had almost one hundred posts on this blog. So I feel like it is time to move on to bigger and brighter things. I'll leave this all up for right now, but as of today tumblr is officially my new blogging home. Same name, same game, just prettier and easier for me to use. You can keep reading my ramblings at

Au revior Blogspot, Salut Tumblr!

Friday, March 26, 2010

I know it's cold in the stadium, Don't get excited


tonight, the lovley said the whale and graham wright and in flight safety are playing a show. and i am going to see them play that show. and i am going to scream and jump when they play that show. and it is going to be epic. because they are epic. i can’t think of any better way to end the march madness concertpalooza.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

we're making small talk with the sky again

Ann Coulter was on campus last night with the intent of speaking on political correctness, media bias, and free speech. But she cancelled the event.

I was going to rant and rage about her, but today is your lucky day, and instead I'm going to let Vanity Fair speak for me. Their article on what happened, and the controversy around her being at the University, is accurate, well written, and honest. Enjoy.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

and when you're dancing and laughing and finally living

Isn't wonderful when you're reminded why one of your favourite bands IS one of your favourite bands?

My obsessive reading of the A.V. Club often pays off, but this article, in particular, introduced me to Rubber Ring by The Smiths. I can't believe I hadn't heard it until now. LURVE IT.

Friday, March 19, 2010

How would you know it, You're the same when you're living (F x's 3 Series #6)

Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday.

1. There are many reasons why I love Graham Wright's tweets, but today, my reasoning is two fold. a. he posted a link to Jezebel, and b. it had to do the time old debate of cake vs. pie. 
2. One of Ottawa's few independent music stores closed this week. Shame on you ticketmaster, HMV, and all the other corporate bastards who decide to locate themselves conveniently down the street from true gems of a store. End Hits, thank you for being awesome and providing me with tickets to almost every show I've seen in the past two years. 
3. For my Intro to Women's Studies class last year we had to write a paper dissecting the portrayal of women in a music video of our choice. (I tore Beyonce's Diva to shreds.) The A.V. Club wrote an awesome article in the same vein. 
4. Kevin Drew is just so darn quotable!
5. I saw a homeless man throw up on a bus this week. Then he passed out. Can someone please come up with a real solution to the growing problem of homelessness?

Friday, March 12, 2010

Push peace, achieving emotion (F x's 3 Series #5)

For today's Fab Five I'm going to do something a little different, since consistency so isn't my thing, and take an idea from, since creativity, also, isn't my thing (today).

Laugh: Paula Deen was on Craig Ferguson this week. While his show always makes me laugh, this particular episode was full of hilarious moments. Like how they never actually made food. Or how Paula Deen's southern accent really does not lend itself to speaking French. Watch it here.

Rage: A big story hitting news stands lately is about how a girl in Mississippi is suing her school district to hold prom. Why might you ask, would someone have to do that? Well, it is because her school district is full of prehistoric douchebags who, evidently, are unaware of the full definition of equality. You see this girl would like to bring her girlfriend to the prom. And wear a tux. And basically enjoy a lovely night of high school fantasy. Instead, its all turned to Nightmare before Prom land where, sure she can bring her GF to prom, but the school has cancelled prom, and in order to get the obvious equality of treatment that she deserves, she has to involve an impartial third party to remind the school of that. What is wrong with people?! This is not a question of sexuality and gender role bending, but of HUMAN RIGHTS. She is a PERSON who has a significant other who wants to celebrate a night, in public, with that significant other. We don't have the balls to question that when its a man and a woman, so what is so monumental about woman and woman, or man and man? But what really got my blood boiling are the comments at the end of the article I read.  I'll warn you though, you might throw up a little from sheer disgust of how "backwards" some of the comments are.

Cry: I had neighbours once who taught their kids that crying was not ok. They weren't allowed to cry when they were hurt, or when they were mad, or just because. Crying to them was reserved for monumental occasions, and even then, only a few tears were acceptable. I can't decide if this was a really brilliant parenting strategy, or just really fucked up. Only time will tell. I think it's measured in how many psych session each of the kids go through.

*This whole idea came from the Laugh, Rage, Cry series Tegan and Sara did with, which you can find here.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

is the door shut tight, it's a morning song

If I can't spend the rest of my life living on a perpetually warm beach with a never ending supply of hemp and berry smoothies, I would like to go see a never ending amount of live shows. From National Arts Centre's concert halls, to college's shitty student lounges, all I want to do is listen and see people play music. This is essentially what I'm doing with the month of March.

Last night, I went to a shitty college student lounge, to see Aidan Knight and We Are The City, live, and for free. What is not to love about that combo? Well, my friend and I were a. late to leave downtown, b. misjudged the amount of time to get there, and c. had no idea where this lounge actually was, having never been on that campus before. It was an adventure. So adventurous in fact, that we missed Aidan's set. It was only a baby concert too. Just two hours long. We were there for 25 minutes.

However, in those 25 minutes, We Are The City impressed me beyond belief. They have got some sort of magic musical touch where indie meets headbanging is so o.k. you want to style your hair just like theirs and pick a best friend to harmonize with forever. They were charming, funny, and all got in on the stage banter. (Stage banter makes or breaks a show for me. For reals.) They are creative and have flair. Nothing about those 25 minutes was boring.

Here's a video I found of them from another blog, Calgary Is Awesome , and it give a pretty good idea of what the show last night was like. Listen and love people.

Shot at the Dark - We Are The City from Shot at The Dark on Vimeo.

ps. they have a youtube channel, and it is glorious.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Oh the devil will find work for idle hands to do

Dear Ridiculously Silly Americans Who Don't Like Obama's Health Care Plan,

I am addressing this letter to you all because I am concerned for your well being. As is his holiness, the Obamanitor. I think I can speak for both of us when I say, we just want you to be healthy! We want health care to be your friend, but with benefits. You should be able to get care any where, any time, with very little direct from your pocket cost.

Though I will admit that I have a few other motives, possibly different from your fearful leader's. I need you all healthy, so that you stay alive, so I can continue to use you all examples of what not to do. Just look at your crazy tea-baggers, prime example of how you need to keep crazy conservative rebels suppressed. The world can learn from you! Don't deprive us of our favourite population of laughing stocks!

Maybe I can appeal to the capitalist pig-dogs in you though? This proposed Health Care Plan will actually save you money, and then make you richer in the long run! By adopting this plan large companies, responsible for much of the previous successes in your economy, won't have to pay employees so much for safety risks or cover their sadly overpriced health insurance. By saving on those costs, they can develop the company by make it BIGGER and BETTER. I know how those words are music to your tune-deaf ears.

So, my dear neighbours to the south, please vote yes for this bill. Remind the world of your political inconsistencies, shock us all in to foolishly believing you're the most successful democracy once again, and preserve your health. If not for the sake of the children, then at least for my sick sense of humour.

Much cynicism,

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Friday, March 5, 2010

well holey-moley, me oh my, you're the apple of my eye (F x's 3 Series #4)

It's a Friday.

1.) Senator Ashburn. All I have to say about this one - FAIL. 
2.) OK Go has an amazing new video. And when I say amazing, I mean, AH-MAZ-ING.
3.) Louise Rennison's teen novel Angus, Thongs, and Full-Frontal Snogging has been turned in to a movie. Yes, I am a little behind in noticing this, but I watched it this passed weekend, and it's fabulously hilarious. Read the series. Watch the movie. Do it. Every teen girl/person should do so. 
4.) Rousseau. The hippy in me is so very happy reading his discourses. (I should note that I absolutely loathe political philosophy readings, so it is indeed a great day for america when I willingly read this stuff)
5.) Washington, DC made gay marriage legal! HURRAY !!! what a lovely step in the right direction!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I'm all out of luck, but what else could I be?

I wish someone had said these things to me at my graduation. Then again, I don't really remember much of what was said that night. I know that I made it up to receive my diploma without tripping, but otherwise I'm pretty sure I just sat there thinking "Please speak faster, I just want to get the fuck out of here."

This video might be corny (ok, it is) but the things said are true, and important to remember (especially the sunscreen part, ooooh baby do I ever burn) whether you're graduating from high school, or halfway through uni more confused than when you started. Not that I would know anything about that.